Carrot, Stick & Cash They’re All Doing It

Hi & welcome to post number 3
In this post (which will be shorter than the last), I’ll start to break down the steps you’ll want to complete in order to start making daily income online (following my own system).

Now I’m sure you read the last post, you did, didn’t you? If not you can read it here:

You really should read that one before this one.

So, we’ve established that you need a hub, and we’ve also established that the hub should be a blog… remember the Acorn Principle. Your Blog is your Acorn.

Next steps.

There are a hundred ways in which your blog can make you money… but in this email I’m going to talk about just one, i.e. the BLOX method.


Because it’s easy and it works on many levels… for example ranking on page 1 of Google is a bi-product, you don’t even need to try, it just happens… and that’s just the start if you follow the BLOX method.

What’s all the FUSS About?

No doubt you have heard me speak about BLOX, looked at the sales page or heard it from somebody else… but if not here’s what all the fuss is about. Basically (and I’m summing up here)… you can make masses of affiliate commission without ever actually promoting the affiliate product or offer.

When I first told people about this, most were confused, I know it sounds wrong, even contradictory… but stick with me because this is actually easier than typical affiliate marketing and it is suitable for people just getting started (Newbies).

Let’s do This…

The Magnet…

A Magnet can be anything. It could be a short PDF, it could be a great video you found on YouTube, I could be a little PLR plugin… basically it can be anything (Full description – click here). The real trick here is how you angle the magnet and the perceived value you build around it.

Let me detail by example:
See this post (on my Blog): Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Trick V2 – Escape Plan (Visit here if you want to see it:

This whole post is written about a simple technique I use to generate income from Clickbank products. I.e. the magnet. Nobody cares how long or short the product is that details the method, in fact the shorter it is the better for most people.
The perceived value of the magnet is in the method.

So step 1 is to produce or source something you can use as a Magnet. btw, it doesn’t have to be a product that you own or produced yourself. That would just be impossible if you were just starting out right?

Here’s How to Source Magnets – Click Here

Once you have your magnet… the presell begins. And the presell is THE Crucial part because this is where you sell people on the idea of having access to your Magnet… Hmm, have I confused you yet? Don’t worry, its actually all very easy and amounts to little more than a ‘carrot and stick’ approach, i.e. you dangle a big juicy carrot and put a tiny little obstacle in the way (more on this in my next email).

What Next?
If you’ve been following, you’ll know you need a blog
In this post we’ve covered Magnets
So in the next post I’ll show you how to presell your magnet which will turn your readers into daily income. BTW, if you’d rather have the whole BLOX method right now, simply – Click Here

Look out for my next post (sometime over the next few days providing you want to see it of course)… It’ll be called: Post, Hook & Profit (Sell Anything Method)


Do you want to see it?

Let me know in the comments area below… If the comments and interest are there I’ll publish part 4



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Comments 6

  1. Ralph July 14, 2018
  2. Willie July 14, 2018
  3. gersh July 16, 2018
  4. Mike July 16, 2018
  5. Les July 18, 2018
  6. Les July 18, 2018

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